Sales & Marketing

Supplying various produce items to wholesale markets, retailers and foodservice industry

Working as Control Tower of Domestic Produce

We work directly with our clients such as wholesalers, retailers or foodservice companies for best merchandizing of various domestic produce. Of course, the logistics along with quality control is a very important part of our business. We choose right products from right production areas for the time,according to our customer needs, including the proper logistics. In other words, we are working as a "Control Tower" of produce.

Quality Fresh Produce from around the World

We work directly with overseas producers and suppliers to procure quality fresh produce that meet high standards and expectations of Japanese customers. Observing the changing demands of produce in Japanese market, we make our plans on contract growing and procurement of various produce items from overseas. Same as in domestic produce, we like "hands-on" approach even on our overseas products to ensure the stable supply, quality and food safety of all our products. That's why we often visit our production areas overseas and have daily communication with our overseas suppliers. Most of all, we believe it's crucial for us to establish and maintain the trust relationship with our overseas suppliers to surely achieve our goal.

  • Constantly monitoring weather at production areas

Product Development to meet the Changing Consumer Needs

We constantly observe the consumer needs and propose new items to our clients.

New consumer needs always emerge, such as smaller packs, precut vegetabls, microwavable packaging including meet and fish as well as precut vegetables. Considering seasonality, regional specifics and product characteristics as well as the newfound consumer needs, we discuss the proper merchandising, marketing and sales promotions for each new item with our clients. Through such activities, many of our newly proposed items have been adopted by our clients and actually sold in stores today.

  • Ready-to-cook cut vegetables"

  • Ready-to-cook cut vegetables